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Welcome to The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign MaroonGovernment Online Office for Ambassadors 

Aim to help the people of  Sovereign Native People Global Tribal Nation Territories acknowledged globally as Indigenous like the people before colonization or the establishment of state boundaries build better lives, achieve peace supported by sustainable, resilient and an inclusive infrastructure and by the efficient, transparent use of public resources, business development and procurement along with project management.




Earn local/ foreign currency from the comforts of home or anywhere in the world as a :Nyan-ko-pong: Global Sovereign Maroon Ambassador in the preservation of our tribal status acknowledged globally as indigenous like the people before conquest, colonization or the establishment of state boundaries and also in accordance to C169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 [No. 169]

:Article.20. - *which states  ~ "1. Governments shall, within the framework of national laws and regulations, and in co-operation with the peoples concerned, adopt special measures to ensure the effective protection with regard to recruitment and conditions of employment of workers belonging to these peoples, to the extent that they are not effectively protected by laws applicable to workers in general."

2. Governments shall do everything possible to prevent any discrimination between workers belonging to the peoples concerned and other workers, in particular as regards:

(a) admission to employment, including skilled employment, as well as measures for promotion and advancement;

(b) "equal remuneration for work of equal value;"

3. The measures taken shall include measures to ensure:

(a) that workers belonging to the peoples concerned, including seasonal, casual and migrant workers in agricultural and other employment, as well as those employed by labour contractors, enjoy the protection afforded by national law and practice to other such workers in the same sectors, and that they are fully informed of their rights under labour legislation and of the means of redress available to them;

(b) that workers belonging to these peoples are not subjected to working conditions hazardous to their health, in particular through exposure to pesticides or other toxic substances;

(c) that workers belonging to these peoples are not subjected to coercive recruitment systems, including bonded labour and other forms of debt servitude;

(d) that workers belonging to these peoples enjoy equal opportunities and equal treatment in employment for men and women, and protection from sexual harassment.

- "Measures shall be taken to ensure that members of the peoples concerned have the opportunity to acquire education at all levels on at least an equal footing with the rest of the national community."

 :Article.27. - "1. Education programmes and services for the peoples concerned shall be developed and implemented in co-operation with them to address their special needs, and shall incorporate their histories, their knowledge and technologies, their value systems and their further social, economic and cultural aspirations."

2. The competent authority shall ensure the training of members of these peoples and their involvement in the formulation and implementation of education programmes, with a view to the progressive transfer of responsibility for the conduct of these programmes to these peoples as appropriate.

3. In addition, governments shall recognise the right of these peoples to establish their own educational institutions and facilities, provided that such institutions meet minimum standards established by the competent authority in consultation with these peoples. Appropriate resources shall be provided for this purpose."

 :Article.30. - "1. Governments shall adopt measures appropriate to the traditions and cultures of the peoples concerned, to make known to them their rights and duties, especially in regard to labour, economic opportunities, education and health matters, social welfare and their rights deriving from this Convention."

2. If necessary, this shall be done by means of written translations and through the use of mass communications in the languages of these peoples."


Current Ambassadors
:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native People Global Tribal Nation Territories.


Level 1 |
Diplomatic - Ambassador 8,030Dollars Lumi

Level 2 |
,354Dollars Lum

Level 3 |
3,212Dollars Lumi



As a registered Ambassador all will be provided with proper Maroon Identification documents as a part of the Ambassador  introduction package.

Ambassadors should have an understanding on the Rights of Indigenous People Eg.  Right as it relates to self-determination and how to refuse Medical intervention and declare Maroon Sovereignty from colonial Government initiatives as it relates to Covid-19 Protocols such as Lock-downs and Compulsary vaccination also a little on Jamaicas History on its' colonization. by The British and how colonization has affected us as a nation of Indigenous Maroon People.



View Now | The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Maroon Disclaimer



Role as Ambassador

The Role as Ambassador creates the possibilities to make a total of 3,212 - 8,030Dollars Lumi  per month having completed all duties and responsibilities in given clearance to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government.

Role as Ambassador requirements

Knowledge in Jamaicans colonization under British and maritime law with basic - intermediate reference made from conventions, documents, books and articles with reference to the right, preservation and protection of Indigenous People.

Role as Ambassador expectations.

1. Learn about Sovereign Indigenous People and :Maroon-Ancestors in process of :Sovereign-Native. :Maroon: enlightenment amongst our Nation of people and preserving the Culture for friends/ family and future generations

- in accordance to United Nations International Labour Organization Convention-169 on The Rights of Indigenous People Article 26. - which states ~ "Measures shall be taken to ensure that members of the peoples concerned have the opportunity to acquire education at all levels on at least an equal footing with the rest of the national community." #un.ilo169_article26


2. Introduction of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government.

Sensitization of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native People Global Tribal Nation Territories Peoples Maroon Documents of identification and process of obtaining official documents as representation of self determination and Nativity.

4. Sharing of Social Media pages and Marketing of :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon merchandise.

Marketing one self as Ambassador of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native People Global Tribal Nation Territories Maroon Government Building.


View Now | The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Claim to Rights



:Maroon: Departments.




View Now | The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Notice of Intent



Welcome to The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government Online-Office for Ambassadors
ask about Maroon Departments and Placing for potential-ambassadors.

Role as Ambassador benefits

1. Get [1] free  Official Webpage complete with biography, photo gallery and video updates featured on our official :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government Website.

2. Official Ambassador Government Identification card that provides extended provisions made available only to :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government Officials such as exemption from Covid-19 Protocols and Lock-downs.

3. Learn about Sovereign Indigenous People and Maroon-Ancestors in process of continued enlightenment as stated in United Nations International Labour Organization Convention-169 on The Rights of Indigenous People Article-26. "Measures shall be taken to ensure that members of the peoples concerned have the opportunity to acquire education at all levels on at least an equal footing with the rest of the national community."

4. Appoint Ambassadors to assist with duties and responsibilities.

5. Get [1] free promotional shirt. plus complimentary Maroon merchandise.

Role as Ambassador Access to office details.

Access time: 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Duration: ( 5hrs 30mins )

As an :Ambassador. access is granted to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government Building and all its resources to complete duties and responsibilities in relations only to the Role as Ambassador within given duration of Five-Hours and Thirty-Minutes. at  location No.96 Constant Spring Road Kingston 10.


Featured Pages

Maroon Job Finding and Recruitment Services - Apply for Maroon Jobs online, click here
Maroon Shop - Purchase spiritual maroon items and other souvenir, click here
Maroon Times - Sovereign articles and eBooks, click here

Maroon Advisor /  Research and Community Development
for more information, contact the Maroon Advisor / Consigliere
+1(876)784-5810 / +1(876)523-3478 on WhatsApp

Social Media Connect
Facebook  |  Instagram |  Youtube



:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native People - Global Tribal Nation Territories,
Indigenous Maroon Government
96 :Constant Spring Road: Central:
Kingston: 10
Greater Antilles, The Americas, Alantis.
+1(876)669-3330 / +1(876)337-5048 / +1(876)773-4594

Social Media Connect
Facebook  |  Instagram  |   Youtube



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