Excellency Ashanti Maroon Deputy High Chief
Ambassador Laydee-Ladia-Thompson,
Of :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native People -
Global Tribal Nation Territories, Indigenous
Maroon Government of Panama City Panama.
As an Ashanti Maroon, Born in The Fatherland
Atlantis. I can freely express full love and
excitement for our nation. We as a nation
believe in True love, unity, and freedom. Our
ancestors, as chosen me to lead and enlighten
our people about their true powers. As a maroon
form the Ashanti maroon tribe I can fully stand
and say I overstand the fundamental principle of
togetherness and to stand for what we as a
nation believes in, is priceless. Being a Maroon
I have come to overstand that it takes people to
build a nation. As a free individual I have
dreamt of the possibility of our people waking
form this illusion of the matrix. Let's stand
together as a nation and shine.