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:Nyan-ko-pong: :Maroon: Constitution. Introduction


Desiring of promoting and protecting universally recognized human rights and fundamental political freedoms, the :Nyan-ko-pong Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America wishes to exercise its Indigenous autonomy as is its God given right so expressed in the United Nation General Assemblys' adoption of the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Recalling, that "All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development, without outside interference." This right is embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations. Its inclusion in the United Nations Charter marks the universal recognition of the principle as fundamental to the maintenance of friendly relations and peace among states. It is recognized as a right of all peoples in the General Assembly Resolution 1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, (1960) article 2; Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which both entered into force in 1976. It is also included in the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1970, the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) in 1975, the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights of 1981, the C.S.C.E. Charter of Paris for a New Europe adopted in 1990, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993; and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), article 3; and by virtue of these international rights, we as :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroons can freely choose our political status.

Convinced that control by indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and their lands, territories and resources will enable them to maintain and strengthen their institutions, cultures and traditions, and to promote their development in accordance with their aspirations and needs,

Recognizing that respect for indigenous knowledge, cultures and traditional practices contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment. Emphasizing the contribution of the demilitarization of the lands and territories of indigenous peoples to peace, economic and social progress and development, understanding and friendly relations among nations and peoples of the world

Recognizing that a global financial meltdown has led to an overall vote of "No Confidence" in the Jesuit political system of things, and that the International Right to Human Development cannot be denied, nor our right to collective security and our right to International Political Unity amongst our Maroon peoples globally.

Recognizing that the word 'Africa' was first used by the Romans to describe that part of the Carthaginian Empire which lies in present day Tunisia. When the Romans conquered Carthage in the second century BCE, giving them jurisdiction over most of what is now called North Africa, they divided "North Africa" into multiple provinces, amongst these there were Africa Pronconsularis (northern Tunisia) and Africa Nova (much of present-day Algeria, also called Numidia).1 As such it was not a name the indigenous people of the land gave themselves.

that the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin for the continent called Africa today was Alkebulan meaning "mother of mankind" or "garden of Eden". It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians."2

that the term "Black" has been used to mislabel people of Alkebulan descent and was created in the 1620s' in America to mean "dark-skinned person, African" and is not a name we created for ourselves. 3






The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon People solemnly proclaim their attachment to the principles of being free peoples with national sovereignty as exampled by the conditions which lead to the signing of the Articles of Pacification with the Maroons of Trelawney Town, Concluded March the first, 1738; The Windward Treaty, Colonial Office 137/56 June 30, 1739, and Land Patent to Nanny, 1740 Patents Vol. 22. Folio 15 B. 20th April 1741. Where it is clear that we the Maroon people were free peoples who signed a treaty with the British to bring peace and end the long war which destabilized the British colonizers. Not because we were in a position of weakness but because we were in a position of strength, lead by our Great Queen Nanny, who was our primary General, Leader and Obeah woman. A leader so powerful they have tried to leave her out of HisStory, but who is captured in OurStory and in Colonial records in different ways.

Knowing that we the maroon people were a threat to the Colonial system as peoples who had always been free, and even when captured and enslaved fought for our liberty. People who had refused to be colonized. As such the British colonizers negotiated with our ancestors in order to bring peace. And that these treaties written in a foreign tongue which was not clearly understood by our Maroon Ancestors who signed with an X, gave a symbol of giving some authority to the British which was not intended, similar to many treaties these Colonialist signed with other Maroon and indigenous people globally in foreign languages not comprehended by their treaty holders, in an attempt to fraudulently steal indigenous peoples' lands and territories and give themselves false authority over these peoples.

As free people the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, otherwise called Jamaica by the colonizers did not bow to any colonial authority. Article 11 of the Windward Maroon Treaty of 1739 provided for the protection for the Maroons if a white man [Caucasian) or other inhabitant of the island should "disturb or annoy" any of the People, Hogs, Stock or Whatsoever Goods" that belonged to the Maroons. This right to protection of their property validates the fact that the Maroons were indeed people with rights, [even in the eyes of the Colonizer], and in so doing , they were cut off from the rest of the Jamaican Black population" who were mostly enslaved. (Gottlieb, Karla. A History of Queen Nanny… The Mother of Us All.") From these documents it is clear the British tried to enforce what Gottlieb calls "psychological control" by pretending to want control of our peoples' economics, how and what Maroons sold, but our Maroon peoples brought our wares to town and sold them as we pleased. Article 14 , again tried to delineate the succession of our rulers in Moore Town, but we Maroons in the end always chose our own rulers as is our tradition;

There is no evidence of any treaty being signed with Queen Nanny, who was our primary General, and her authority is reflected in the Land Patent to Nanny 1740, where she is given land similar to a Caucasian person of the time. We overstand her strategy to have lower chiefs negotiate and the colonizers strategy to try and empower underlings in an attempt to circumvent the real leader who happened to be an uncompromising woman who did not trust them. We do not accept any part of these treaties which attempt to subjugate us, including the alleged Repeal of the 1739 Maroon Treaties and other "treaties" which addressed we the Maroons (1739, 1740, 1741, 1758, 1769, 1791, 1796, 1798, 1805, 1809 and 1832) through the Colonizers 1842 Law. What that "repealing" shows is a consistent pattern by the Colonizers to steal land that was ours and claim it as theirs by leaving a paper trail of HisStory. As such places of significance for Maroons, our towns and villages, are not what the Colonizers flawed records show but in fact where OurStory shows our people lived and still occupy. Many of these names changed by the Colonizers to erase OurStory. We were here before the Colonizers and this is our land. As such we claim the entire land of Xaymaca, Atlantis (aka Jamaica) as that of our Ancestors who were free people who came to the now named Caribbean of free will and as explorers before and during the Mali Empire of Mansa Musa, and other Ethiopian (African) tribes and kingdoms, who mixed with those brought through enslavement, and who did not lose their identity as a people because the uncivilized Colonizers decided to consider them as property to assuage their conscience as they brutalized them. Part of OurStory is captured in the book "Insurrectional Resistance of the Garifuna Revolution: The Chosen Ones of Yourumein" by Andolini Castillo Perez. Colonizers colonial records clearly show they knew who were as people and had to deal with us as such. So in a colonized world of many colonizers languages we are known by many names.

Our current state of colonization was cemented with the trickery of false Independence in 1962, and the current state of the Jamaican Government being controlled by the Queen of England, Governor General; and the current two party system which has denigrated a sovereign people into citizens whose birth papers are sold on the stock exchange and now identify with the two corrupt political parties in Jamaica rather than as sovereign people. Tricked by the Colonizers into indefinite servitude while our lands and resources are raped and our people subjected to gross injustices, poor living conditions and abject poverty while thinking they are independent.

This our Constitution re-revised on August 6, 2021 and previously amended with aims to reclaim that which is ours, Our Story. Confirmed and complemented by the Preamble to the Constitution of 2020.




The :Nyan-ko-pong: Global Royal Government shall be established under the principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and unity that was laid down by Queen Nanny, King Kojo, King Tufton Lewis, General Bookman and many more powerful spiritual Maroon leaders and wise ancestors.

These principles were infiltrated by the Colonial Government, and 78 percent of our historical books, artifacts, spiritual and physical symbols were destroyed and burned under the orders of the Pope of Rome, the Colonial oppressors and the British Crown. Their attempt to destroy our physical and spiritual power as the true Israelites, Alkebu-lan, Egyptians, Atlantians, Ethiopians, Nubians and the mother and father for the tribe of David otherwise known as "Earthlings". We are the first people to interact with other beings from other planets and we are the first people to go in and out of the Bermuda Triangle; other than Haile Selassie I the Emperor for the Ethiopian Maroons and the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the Conquering Lion from the Tribe of Judah.

We the :Nyan-ko-pong: Ashanti Maroons were always called the Light of the Universe and the first tribe to bring forth giants from the womb of our mothers until the food poisoning, birth control, poisonous vaccination and medical interference from the Colonial Government interfered with our physical growth and development of our people. The main aim of the Colonial Government was to destroyed our memory of our ancestor so that the present, younger and future generations, would wander hopelessly; but they were unsuccessful and we are here again, more big and more powerful than our ancestors, to unite all Maroon tribes globally. This includes Maroons in what is now called the Caribbean islands; North, Central and South America; the continent of Africa, Asia, the peninsula called Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the Hawaiian Islands etc.

One of the highest aims of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Global Royal Government is to maintain and spread peace and love throughout all nations and honor the pledge that our ancestors have made to beings from other planets, such as the Anunnaki, Grays, Reptilians, Nordic, etc., once they maintain their side of the treaty.




:Nyan-ko-pong: :Maroon: Constitution.

The Government of the Republic, in accordance with the Constitutional statute of September 15, 2020, and pursuant to the 1738-1741 Maroon treaties conferring cultural autonomy, has proposed to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign People to adopt this constitution as the foundation for a :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America. The Emperor of the Republic, in consultation with an interim Maroon Council at present, hereby promulgates the Constitutional statute worded as follows:



Article 1 - Definition of a Maroon

How does one declare oneself a Maroon?

By the color of ones' skin complexion, you can be identified as a Maroon Native of the land, globally. The most famous shades are the color of the dirt, copper/bronze, brass and the shades of Maroon paint, which varies. The stronger bloodline of Maroon is the Tribe whose hair is as thick as wool, eyes as red as fire and feet are brown as clay. Different tribes of Maroon people have the same complexion but sometimes their eyes are either grey, brown, blue or other shades. Other tribes' hair is either curly or sometimes silky. They are all Maroons, different tribes, but nevertheless all Native Maroons.

The Ashanti tribes of Maroon is the mother and father of the tribes of Alkebu-lan, King Solomon, King David, Noah, the Egyptians, Atlantis the Lost City, and is also the real Israelites and the official Hebrews of the planet. They are also called the Godhead. Their hair is as thick as wool, their eyes as red as fire, and sometimes dark-brown; and their skin as burnt brass with different shades of Maroon color. They often have the spiritual power to heal and atone, and have earned the title as the Right Hand of God, otherwise known as the Ethiopians that have been scattered all across the world and have developed the planet long before the Caucasian otherwise known as the Carcass and the Oriental people were created. Long before Aliens landed on our planet from the beginning of time.

Article 2 - Political Ideology of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Government

The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall be a self-determined, democratic, indivisible, secular, and social Republic. It shall ensure the equality of all individuals before the law, without distinction of origin, race, religion, language or gender.

We will keep on creating our own political, economic and social structures; develop our culture, maintain our cultural sites, exercise our right to the use and control of our ceremonial objects; develop and teach our spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; histories and philosophies, and claim our rights to the lands, territories and resources of our ancestors globally from which we have been displaced by the Colonizers and their remnants. (Under UN 61/295 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.)

We will conserve and protect the environment and the productive capacity of our lands, territories and resources. States shall establish and implement assistance programs for such conservation and protection without discrimination.

The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall be organized on a semi-centralized basis in accordance to the Maroon traditions. Statutes shall promote equal access by women and men to elective offices and posts as well as to professional and social positions.

Under the UN Resolution A/75/277 "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P), and prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity;" We the Maroon people have a right to protect ourselves from laws and norms that weaken our humanity. As such all accredited Maroons who are trained and pass the official firearms test have a right to bear arms. A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Article 3 - The indigenous family

a. The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America as an Indigenous family, is the source of the maintenance and development of the Sovereign Government. Our indigenous family is the first foundation and the first education given to our natives as such they fall under special protection of the law and economy. We will facilitate our peoples' ability to create social harmony, by offering the wrap around programs needed to encourage and build strong families.

b. Every individual may freely take part in the cultural life of his community.

c. The promotion and protection of morals and traditional values recognized by the community shall be the duty of the State. In response to the sexual abuse that has impacted some in our community and made them propagate alternate lifestyles which work at destroying the traditional family, the Maroon people will not tolerate deviant sexual behavior and alternative lifestyles. Our Creators commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply.

d. The disabled The disabled native people will be given free healthcare, housing assistance and food items for those who are unable to join the workforce and will also be given the opportunity to take part in the disability skills set program to teach them how to use their hidden talents so they can contribute to society and not feel left out. NB: This is an unbroken order.

e. Polygamy permitted Colonization destroyed the traditional maroon family till today. To address the high rate of unmarried mothers and children growing up without fathers or knowledge of their bloodline, and the impact it has had in the destruction of the maroon family leading to many social ills. The Maroon government seeks to find solutions that were part of our ancestral culture before colonization disrupted the Maroon family.
i. Maroons are encouraged to have relationships that respect women and children and provide for their wellbeing in the open.
ii. Each child has a right to know who their parents are.
iii. Polygamy is allowed and part of our indigenous culture with the following caveats: a. Marriage is encouraged and children born into a stable union.
b. The man must be open with his wife about the potential for other relationships.
c. A man may have four wives if he can afford them.
d. The current wife must help choose the next wife to promote peace and harmony within the family.
e. Each wife and children of these unions must be treated well and financially supported and have comparable standards of living.
f. Wives will be expected to contribute to the financial wellbeing of the family and support their husband in their business affairs.
g. The government will support programs locally that support family values, provide family counseling and teach entrepreneurial skills to all parties to encourage family business and economic prosperity for the family unit.
h. All children will be recognized and there will be no stigma attached to a childs' birth.
i. Insurance will recognize these family structures for health, life insurance and other purposes.
j. There is no barrier to one man/one woman relationships.

Article 4 - National symbols

a. The Official Languages of the Republic shall include Akan Twi, Koromanti, Jamaican Creole, Patois, Amharic and English.

b. The official Maroon language and writing is known as Quantum Language. Each time a name is written, a colon (:) is suppose to be at the beginning and at the end with an hyphen (-) in between; eg :Nyan-ko-pong:

c. Names of people, place and businesses, should be written with an Upper case letter at the beginning, followed by lower case letters; eg. Queen Nanny

d. The National Emblem shall be the red, white, black, green, yellow and gold :Nyan-ko-pong: flag with the images of Queen Nanny, Emperor Haile Selassie I, The Lion of Judah, The David Star, the Golden Jar, the Golden Abeng Trumpet, the 1738-1739 date, the Universal Golden Crown, a circle of the Sun to represent the light of the Universe and the writing of the word Atlantis to represent our founding fathers/mothers. We are the real Atlanteans from the Atlantis Islands otherwise known as :Nyan-ko-pong: Atlantis and called "Jamaica" by the Colonials in the Atlantic Ocean, North America. Our National Tribe is Ashanti, the first tribe on the land.

e. The National Anthem shall be "Everlasting Freedom and Unity for All."

f. The National Religion shall include the Zion Coptic Faith, the Orthodox Faith, Christian Faith, Islamic Faith, Hebrew Faith, Pocomania Faith, Kumina Faith, Rastafari Faith, Haile I Selassie I Faith, Spirituality Faith, Magic Faith because we are all Maroon People (Copper people or People with the colour of the earth) by the colour of our skin but different tribes so we have to support each of our tribes religion and faith to maintain equality, balance and global peace and unity within all nations.

g. The National Prayer shall be The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) written by King David.
a. The National Song shall be "Granny Nanny Oh".

h. The Maxim of the Republic shall be "Sovereignty, Self-Governance, Liberty and Freedom"

i. The Principle Motto of the Republic shall be: Government of the Nation, by the Nation and for the Nation.

j. Our first National Currency shall be back by the sun that giveth life and energy to all things and also backed by the Earth (dirt), and the Water which are the two most essential contributions in the sustainability of life that all living species need to survive. And also backed by the people which is the most important thing on the planet and since everything is built for the people and by the people, nothing on the Earth is more important than the people. We are the first currency that is backed by living beings. So by all means necessary, our people and their safety is the number one priority at all times.
k. Our first National Currency will include the Lumi Solar Bond, and be created in the following denominations (one, five, seven, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred dollars.)

Article 5 - Voting Rights

a. State sovereignty shall vest in the Nation, who shall exercise it through their freely chosen representatives. Voting shall always be universal, equal and secret.

b. All Maroon Peoples of either sex who have reached the age of 16 and are in possession of their :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Credentials (Identification Cards) may vote as provided for by statute.

Article 6 - Political Parties

a. There will only be one political party in accordance to Maroon traditions. However, all tribes of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall contribute to the exercise of suffrage to elect all members of the Government (:Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Council).

b. The "party" shall be formed and carry on its activities freely. It shall respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy. Statutes guarantee the pluralistic expression of opinions and the equitable participation of all members of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Government in the democratic life of the State.


Article 7 - Who can become a Members of Parliament


Any Maroon Global National, 21 years or older, who has been domiciled in the country for the 12 months preceding the qualifying date to run for office, may become a member of the Maroon National Council if elected. Among those who may not become members of the legislature are persons serving a foreign government.



Article 8 - The maximum life of a Parliament


The maximum life of a Parliament is five years, at the end of which Parliament must be dissolved and a general election held.



Article 9 - Location of the head seat of the nation


The location of the head seat of the Maroon Parliament is in Ashanti Ancient Maroon Town, otherwise known as Kingston and St. Catherine in the Island of Atlantis Xaymaca (aka Jamaica); surrounded by the islands of Cuba, Haiti, Cayman, and the countries of Central and South America. This island of Atlantis Xaymaca is also anciently known as Turtle Island.


The Capital
The city of Kingston otherwise known as "Ashanti Town" from ancient times is also the Capital of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America.



Article 10 - Indigenous Government Structure:

:Indigenous: Government. Structure

Emperor / Paramount Chief / High Priest

Hereditary title

Chief General

Recommended by High Chief and Selected by the Emperor

International Council of Chiefs

High Chiefs from each country, as elected by the people they represent

Maroon National Council (Parliament)

(Includes the Council of Chiefs and National Maroon Assembly)

Council of Chiefs

 - Council of Chiefs (21 members)

13 Selected by the Chief General in consultation with the High Chief and 8 by the Council of Elders

National :Maroon: Assembly.

Elected by the people

- High Chief

- Deputy High Chief

- National Council Members

- Council of Elders

- Youth Council (male/female)

- Judiciary - Constitutional Council (Judges)

National :Maroon: Council. of Holdings

Ensures fiscal responsibility and anti-corruption

Parish /County/Regional Council

Representatives from Maroon Village Local Councilwill sit on the Parish/County/Regional Council

:Maroon: Village Local Council (Municipal Councils)

(11 people) Elected by the people

- Traditional Leaders (Chief )

- One Representative for the Constitutional Council (Judge)

- One Representative of the Council of Elders

- One Representative of the Youth Council

- Members at large


Article 11 -The Sovereign Maroon Parliament

a. The Emperor /Paramount Chief of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, is called the granman, and is the Sovereign Leader of the Nation.

b. Below the Emperor/ Paramount Chief is the International Council of Chiefs

c. Next is the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Parliament (The Maroon National Council) which consists of two Houses:

i. The Council of Chiefs - also called the Upper House, and
ii. The National Maroon Assembly (House of Representatives), also known as the Lower House.
d. The Chief-General represents the Emperor in Parliament. Once a year, at the official opening of Parliament, the Chief-General delivers the "Throne Speech". Beyond this, his/her parliamentary function is limited to his/her formal assent to Bills passed by the two Houses of Parliament.

e. Council of Chiefs
i. The Council of Chiefs is a nominated House made up of twenty-one (21) Chiefs. Thirteen (13) Chiefs are appointed by the Chief-General on the advice of the High Chief. The other eight (8) are appointed on the advice of the Council of Elders.
ii. The Council of Chiefs may have portfolio responsibilities.
iii. The Council of Chiefs usually functions as a review chamber, considering Bills passed by the Maroon National Council.
iv. The Council of Chiefs may also initiate legislation, except money bills. It cannot delay money Bills for more than one month nor any other Bill for more than seven months.
v. At the first meeting of a newly appointed Council of Chiefs, or when there is a vacancy, Chiefs elect a President and a Deputy President. A Minister or Parliamentary Secretary may not hold office as President or Deputy President.

f. National Maroon Council

i. The National Maroon Council may consist of 63 members (the maximum allowed by the Constitution), elected by single-member constituencies based on the census population. Representation is based on population with each member representing the same amount of people based on the census taken each 10 years.
ii. Because this is a traditional government which seeks unity and a consistent vision for its Maroon people to address 500 years of colonialism and genocide, there is only one party. History has shown us that colonialism has created a two or more political parties system which consistently fights each other for power at the expense of the common good of the people. All of this infighting has caused the country to fail to develop in a manner that benefits the people.
iii. The National Maroon Council seeks to address this flaw in so called Western styled Democracy, with a focus on creating a collective vision for our people, and a government committed to building on each governments prior successes, working through challenges to create long term positive outcomes that benefit the people rather than disunity, which destroys the collective spirit of the people and feeds corruption. We can no longer afford to wait to replace people or a party at the next election. All elected officials must be focused on meeting the peoples' right to development, improving the peoples collective wealth, health, education, environment and opportunities where the wealth of the nation benefits all.
iv. No Bill may become law unless it is passed by a majority (75%) of the total members of the Maroon Assembly.

v. The quorum of the House is 32.vi. The National Maroon Council has control over the Governments' finances.
vii. Funds cannot be granted nor taxation levied without the approval of the National Maroon Assembly.

g. The Speaker

The Speaker of the House is formally elected by the members of the Maroon National Assembly, from among their number, at the first sitting after each general election or when there is a vacancy. The Speaker rarely takes part in debates. His job is to see that other members keep within the rules of the House, that the rights of the members are protected, and that every member gets a fair hearing.

h. Leader of the House The Leader of the Maroon National Assembly is responsible for the direction of business in the Maroon National Council. He/she is selected from members of the Maroon National Assembly. It is his/her job to see that time is provided for debate on various matters in the Council. In doing so, the Leader of the Maroon National Assembly consults with the members of the Assembly and the Council of Chiefs and seeks to reach agreement as to what business will be done in the Council each day.


Article 12 - The Emperor/ Paramount Chief of the Nation

a. The highest position for the nation shall be the Emperor/Paramount Chief.
b. The Emperor/Paramount Chief of the Nation shall ensure due respect for the Constitution. He/she shall ensure, by his/her arbitration and administration, the proper functioning of the public authorities and the sovereign continuity of the State.
c. He/She must also be a High Priest practicing mystic in the spiritual realm of higher consciousness, who can perform numerous mystical arts and healings according to ancient Maroon traditions.
d. The Emperor can only be replaced in case of severe life debilitating illness or reincarnation by his/her Royal bloodline.

Commander in Chief
e. As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, he/she has the international right to organize and command the said forces; to commission and confer military rank upon the officers of the said forces; and to promote, transfer or dismiss any of the said officers.

Declaration of War
f. The Emperor /Paramount Chief of the Nation reserves the international right, with the advice and consent of the Council of Chiefs, and the Council of Elders to declare War for the safety and the protection of the nation. He/She, further, reserves the international right to decide what armed forces shall be maintained both in time of peace and in time of war. However, all final decision is left up to the Emperor as it relates to the safety of the people.

State of siege / National Emergency
g. The Emperor/Paramount Chief has, further, the international right to declare a state of siege, martial law, or a national emergency, and to take such measures as are necessary to meet a threat to the defense or integrity of the realm and to assure its defense and integrity once it is for the safety of the Nation.

Diplomatic Relations
h. The Emperor / Paramount Chief accredits and receives Human Rights Ambassadors, Government Ministers and Diplomatic Missions; and only the Emperor makes all final decisions with the advice from the Council of Chiefs as well as the Council of Elders.
i. He/She alone has the right to settle disputes with foreign powers by adjudication and other peaceful means (negotiations) and provides for the realization of the ends of security and common defense.
j. He/She has the international right to ratify, on behalf of indigenous Maroons globally, treaties and international agreements involving a modification of the territory of the realm or of sovereignty or jurisdiction over any part of such territory;

Enforcement of Maroon Treaties
k. The Emperor/Paramount Chief of the Nation, as sovereign, has the duty to take all measures that may be necessary to ensure, at all times, the defense and integrity of the Maroon treaties; the safety and welfare of its inhabitants, including their enjoyment of the human rights and fundamental liberties recognized in the present constitution; and the protection of all indigenous Maroon peoples and their international rights and interest abroad. Subject to the diplomatic provisions of this indigenous constitution. He/she has international rights and political powers necessary for the accomplishment of the ends set out in the present Article.

Article 13 - Chief General

a. The Emperor on the advice of the High Chief appoints a Chief General as his or her representative in each country that the Maroon nation exist in. Chief General represents the Emperor in each country at ceremonial occasions such as the Opening of The Maroon Council, the presentation of honours and military parades.

b. He/she can appoint and discipline members of the civil service.

c. He/she can discontinue a session of the Maroon Council without dissolving it, upon advice from the Emperor.

d. He/she does not have the power to act on his own discretion as he/she is the Emperors representative and is in constant counsel with the Emperor.

e. There will be one Chief General per country. His responsibilities include the military and the security forces. He can appoint and discipline officers.

f. The Chief General also exercises the prerogative of mercy on behalf of the Emperor.

g. In exercising the prerogative of mercy including the power to grant pardon to any person who has been sentenced to death) the Chief General acts on the advice of the Constitutional Council.

Constitutional Council
h. The Constitutional Council consists of seven members who are appointed by the Chief General after consultation with the High Chief. The functions of the Constitutional Council are limited to advising the Chief General on the exercise of the Royal Prerogative of Mercy and the discipline of the civil service, local government officers, and the police, in cases where appeals are made.

Article 14 - International Council of Chiefs

a. The International Council of Chiefs shall consist of individual High Chiefs who are elected to represent each country that the Maroon Nation exist in. This Council of Chiefs will give counsel to the Emperor /Paramount Chief and work towards unity of our Maroon people globally.

b. They will meet collectively, at least once a year in January, under the authority of the Emperor/Paramount Chief to report on the State of Maroons in each country. Written Reports will be required. Reports should include international policy, State of the Maroons in each country, Human Development Indicators, Finances, Projects, Security (military and police), Science and Technology - latest innovations, Medicine, health care, housing and education etc.)

Article 15 - Council of Chiefs

a. The Council of Chiefs is a nominated House made up of twenty-one (21) Chiefs. Thirteen (13) Chiefs are appointed by the Chief-General on the advice of the High Chief. The other eight (8) are appointed on the advice of the Council of Elders.

b. The Council of Chiefs may have portfolio responsibilities.

c. The Council of Chiefs usually functions as a review chamber, considering Bills passed by the National Maroon Assembly.

d. The Council of Chiefs may also initiate legislation, except money bills. It cannot delay Money Bills for more than one month nor any other Bill for more than two months.

e. At the first meeting of a newly appointed Council of Chiefs, or when there is a vacancy, Chiefs elect a President and a Deputy President.

Article 16 - National Maroon Assembly

a. The National Maroon Assembly, consist of the High Chief, Deputy High Chief, National Council members, Representatives from the Council of Elders and Council of Youth.

b. The National Maroon Assembly will convene twice a year in two sessions, no more than six months apart. First Session will be the Budget Session and run from February- May. Second Session is from October thru November to discuss the business of the government and pass a budget for the next fiscal year which starts in January and ends in December.

Article 17- The High Chief

a. There will be a High Chief for each jurisdiction.

b. The High Chief of the Nation shall be elected for a term of five years by the indigenous people of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America.

c. There is no term limit restrictions for this position. Good leadership is encouraged.

d. The High Chief will be responsible for the day to day governance of the country they are over and will be over the Civil Service. The manner of implementation of this article shall be determined by an Institutional Act.

e. The process of electing a High Chief shall commence by the calling of said election by the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Government (National Maroon Assembly). The election of the new High Chief shall be held no fewer than fourteen days and no more than twenty days before the expiration of the term of the High Chief in office.

f. The High Chief of the Nation shall be elected by an absolute majority of votes cast. If such a majority is not obtained on the first ballot, a second ballot shall take place on the seventh day thereafter. Only the two candidates polling the greatest number of votes in the first ballot, after any withdrawal of better placed candidates, may stand in the second ballot.

Vacancy of post
g. Should the Chieftaincy of the Nation fall vacant for any reason whatsoever, or should the Constitutional Council on a referral from the Government rule by an absolute majority of its members, that the High Chief of the Republic is incapacitated, the duties of the High Chief of the Nation shall be temporarily exercised by the Deputy Chief in consultation with the National Maroon Assembly with the approval of the Maroon Emperor. If incapacitated, the Deputy High Chief will resume the role and responsibilities of the High Chief until he/she is well. At which time duties will automatically be transferred back.

h. The High Chief of the Nation exercises the supreme direction of the foreign relations of that nation with council from the Emperor. The High Chief accredits and receives human rights Ambassadors, Government Ministers and diplomatic Missions with final approval from the Emperor.

i. He/She has the international right to settle disputes with foreign powers by adjudication and other peaceful means (negotiations) and provides for the realization of the ends of security and common defense through consultation with the Emperor.

Article 18 - Deputy High Chiefs

Performs all duties as defined by the High Chief, and all duties described under High Chief above if he/she is unavailable and/or incapacitated.

Article 19 - National Maroon Council

Each Jurisdiction shall have a National Maroon Council elected by the people for handling the day to day management of that Maroon nation. ( See Article 8)


Article 20 - National Maroon Assembly Legislative Authority.

a. When exercising its Legislative Authority, the Maroon Parliament is bound only by the :Nyan-ko-pong: Constitution. and must act in accordance with and within the limits of said Constitution.

b. The National Legislative authority as vested in the Maroon Parliament, confers on the National Maroon Assembly the power to:

i. provide leadership for the day to day operation of the country,
ii. provide a clear vision and strategic plan for the human development of the country which includes health, education and economic development.
iii. provide a clear vision and strategic plan for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and all international standards centered around development and improving the quality of life for our people. iv. Provide a clear vision and strategic plan for signing, ratifying, protecting and implementing all human rights treaties.
v. amend the :Nyan-ko-pong: Global Constitution with a 80% or greater vote;
vi. pass legislation with regard to any matter that affects the country,
vii. maintain unity
viii. maintain national security ;
ix. maintain economic security ;
x. protect the environment through legislation which limits overuse of natural resources and unsustainable practices.
xi. to maintain essential national standards; which include establishing minimum standard required for the rendering of services by businesses and professionals and laws which uphold ethical business practices;
xii. to resolve conflict and prevent unreasonable action taken by a local Maroon Council which is prejudicial to the interest of another local Maroon Council or to the country as a whole.

c. Confers on the Parish/County/Regional Maroon Council of the Tribal Provinces the power :

i. to pass local legislation with regard to any matter within their functional area which is not in contradiction to any other legislation passed by the National Maroon Council.
ii. To create and implement a sustainable development plan for their Parish/ County/ Region which highlights the unique needs of their constituents.
iii. To participate in amending the :Nyan-ko-pong: Constitution; through recommendations which are forwarded to the National Maroon Council.

d. The National Maroon Council may intervene by passing legislation with regard to a matter falling within a Parish /County/ Regional Maroon functional area when necessary and override local decisions if they are not in the best interest of neighboring Parish/County /Region and /or the country;

e. The National Maroon Council of Tribal Provinces must establish a Joint Rules Committee to make rules and orders concerning the joint business of the National Maroon Assembly and Council of Chiefs.
i. To determine procedures to facilitate the legislative process, including setting s time limit for completing any step in the process;
ii. To establish joint committee composed of representatives from both the Maroon Assembly and the Council of Chiefs to consider and report on Bills that are referred to such a committee;
iii. To establish a joint committee to review the :Nyan-ko-pong: Constitution when necessary for possible revisions. The Constitution is a living breathing document and must remain relevant to the times we are in.
iv. To regulate the business of i. The Joint Rules committee ii. The Mediation Committee iii. The Constitutional Review committee; and
iv. Any joint committee established in terms of paragraph (b)

f. The Council of Chiefs and National Assembly members have no special privileges when it comes to the law. They have the same rights as the people and no immunities before a joint committee of the National Maroon Council.

Article 21 - Local Maroon Council

a. Each village has a eleven member Local Maroon Council, which acts as the local government. This council consist of the Chief of the village and a member of the Council of Elders and the Council of Youth and seven at large members. All are elected by the people.
b. Each Local Maroon Council Chief becomes the Representative for the County /Parish Council.
c. At all stages of government, native villagers will always have access to participate by running for office and/or electing local leaders, providing testimony to elected officials and participating in public forums so that decisions are made with public input.

Article 22 - Parish /County/ Region Council

Each Local Maroon Council Chief becomes the Representative for the County /Parish Council to ensure the people he represents voice is heard and concerns are known and met. Representation at the Parish/County/Region level allows Local Maroon areas to participate in the greater vision of the areas they are in and also access funding and opportunities.

Article 23 - Council of Elders

a. The Council Elders will consist of Maroons over age 55, who have been upstanding members of the community.
b. They shall have expertise in the following areas: Agriculture, Banking, Economics, Education, Environment, Health, Legal, Sports, Technology, Youth Development, Workforce Development etc.
c. There will be 11 members for the Council of Elders.
d. They will give advice to the Emperor and High Chiefs and oversea areas where they have expertise.

Article 24 - Youth Council

a. The Youth Council will be comprised of youth 8-25 and include youth of influence wanting to become positive change agents.
b. The Youth Council shall report on issues pertaining to the youth and make recommendations for ways to increase opportunities in the field of safety, health, family life, education, curriculum needed, economic advancement, career opportunities, environment, laws, civics, political life etc.
c. There will be four representatives from each parish, two males and two females. Two of both gender will represent the teenagers and two will represent the young adults.
d. From this group will come two spokespersons, one of either sex, to the National Youth Council Representative in the National Maroon Council.



Part 3. Oaths for Service to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Government
Article 25 - 0aths for Service to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Government

As nouns, the difference between allegiance and oath is that allegiance is loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler while oath is a solemn pledge or promise to a god, king, or another person (Paramount Chief), to attest to the truth of a statement or contract.


Emperor /Paramount Chief's Oath to the Nation

On the occasion of His Coronation, the Emperor /Paramount Chief shall take the following oath: "In the name of the Almighty Yahweh, I, Horus Lewis El Bey, the Emperor and the Paramount Chief of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, swear that I will uphold and defend the Constitution of the Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America; that I will govern our indigenous peoples with patience and devotion to their general welfare in accordance with the Constitution and the laws; that I will faithfully defend, with all the means in my power, the integrity of our Indigenous Maroon territories; that I will faithfully see to the impartial execution of all laws approved by :Nyan-ko-pong: Parliament and proclaimed by Us; that I profess and will defend the Holy African Orthodox Faith based on the doctrines of St. Mark of Alexandria, professed in Ethiopia since the Holy Emperors Abreha and Atsbeha; that I will ever promote the spiritual and material welfare and advancement of our Indigenous Maroon peoples; and that, with the aid of the Almighty and our Ancient Spiritual Ancestors, I will faithfully execute the promises which I have here undertaken. So help Us Yahweh, :Nyan-ko-pong:, Tetragrammaton, Gaia ever present mother of Earth, Queen Nanny, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Chief Tufton Lewis, Paul Bogle, Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Bookman, Three Finger Jack, Carl Lewis, Atlantis and our Nubian Ancestors, Asheyo, Ashanti Maroon Ancestors that have fought for us.

This oath is for the High Chief, Deputy Chief, Council of Chiefs, the :Nyan-ko-pong" National Maroon Council and Maroon Village Local Council.

Oath of Allegiance for Solidarity- High Chief, Deputy High Chief, Council of Chiefs

In the name of the Almighty, and as a member of the :Nyan-ko-pong: National Maroon Council, I,_____________, hereby swear to defend, with all my power, the International Rights, the Diplomatic privileges and inheritance of His Excellency Emperor Horus Lewis El Bey, the Paramount Chief of the Nation, so long as I shall remain a member of the :Nyan-ko-pong: National Maroon Council in political solidarity; that I will, at all times, respect and defend the Constitution; and that in all my actions and conduct, as a member of that Council, I will ever be motivated by respect for the Constitution and the firm resolve of protecting the International Rights, Diplomatic Privileges, and Inheritance of His Excellency Emperor Horus Lewis El Bey, the Paramount Chief. So help me Almighty Yahweh and the Ancestors.

The members of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Parliament shall take the following oath:

In the name of the Almighty and our ancient ancestors, I hereby swear allegiance and fidelity to my Paramount Chief, His Excellency Emperor Horus Lewis El Bey, and that I will, as member of the Nyan-ko-pong: National Maroon Parliament, faithfully place above all else the interest and welfare of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America and of its Paramount Chief; that I will at all times, faithfully respect the Constitution and laws of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Global Royal Government, and that I will disclose no secret or confidential information revealed to me in connection with my official duties and position. So help me Yahweh, :Nyan-ko-pong:, Tetragrammaton, Gaia ever present mother of Earth, Queen Nanny, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Chief Tufton Lewis, Paul Bogle, Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Bookman, Three Finger Jack, Carl Lewis, Atlantis and our Nubian Ancestors, Asheyo, Ashanti Maroon Ancestors that have fought for us.

The members of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Village Local Council shall take the following oath:

"In the name of the Almighty and our Ancient Ancestors, I hereby swear allegiance and fidelity to my Paramount Chief, His Excellency Emperor Horus Lewis El Bey and that I will, as a member of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Village Local Council, faithfully place above all else the interest and welfare of the Indigenous Maroon peoples and of its Paramount Chief; that I will at all times, faithfully respect the Constitution and laws of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Government, and that I will disclose no secret or confidential information revealed to me in connection with my official duties and diplomatic position. So help me Yahweh, :Nyan-ko-pong: Tetragrammaton, Gaia ever present mother of Earth, Queen Nanny, Emperor Selassie I, Chief Tufton Lewis, Paul Bogle, Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Bookman, Three Finger Jack, Carl Lewis, Atlantis and our Nubian Ancestors, Asheyo, Ashanti Maroon Ancestors that have fought for us.




Part 4. How a Bill becomes Law

Article 26 - The Maroon Fiscal Year

The fiscal year begins in January and ends in December.


Article 27 - How a Bill becomes Law

How a Bill Becomes Law

A Bill is an act of Parliament in draft, and no Bill can become law until it is approved by the Houses of Parliament and receives the formal assent of the Chief General. Bills may be introduced in either the Maroon National Assembly or the Council of Chiefs, but no Bill involving finance can be first introduced in the Council of Chiefs.

"Public Bills", designed to give effect to Government policy, are introduced by Ministers or other officers of the Government.

"Private Members’ Bills", are introduced by any other member of the Maroon National Assembly. After a Bill has been introduced in the House, it must pass through several stages, known as "readings".

First Reading< br> At "first reading" no debate on the Bill is allowed. The "short title" of the Bill is read by the Clerk of the House, the Bill is ordered to be printed and a day is appointed by the member in charge of the Bill for second reading.

Second Reading

The Bill is debated fully at the second reading". At the end of the debate a vote is taken.

Committee Stage

If the Bill passes its second reading, it moves on to the "committee stage". This committee comprises the whole House unless the House refers the Bill to a "Select Committee". At this point, the Bill is considered in very close detail. Every clause is carefully examined, and amendments to the Bill may then be moved and voted upon. A Bill may not be rejected during the committee stage, as this power is reserved for the House.

Report StageAfter the committee stage, there is the "report stage", when the Speaker reports what has happened to the Bill in committee, whether there have been amendments or not.

Third Reading
No amendments of a substantial nature may be made at the "third reading"; a Bill may be accepted or rejected by means of a vote. When a Bill is first passed by the Maroon National Council, it is sent to the Council of Chiefs, where it goes through the same procedure as one which originated in the Lower House

If the Council of Chiefs disagrees with any aspect of the Bill and makes an amendment, the Bill is sent back to the Maroon National Council for consideration. If the House disagrees with the Council of Chiefs amendment, it informs the Council of Chiefs, which is then asked to reconsider the Bill. When an agreement is reached and the Bill has been passed through all its stages in both Houses, it requires only the Royal Assent to make it law. The Royal Assent is given by the Chief General.


Article 28 - Implementation of an act

a. The High Chief of the Nation shall facilitate the implementation of Acts passed by the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Council within thirty days following the final passage of an Act and its transmission to the Government. b. Facilitation will include an implementation schedule and action plan.


Article 29 - Money Bills

a. Money Bills, may be initiated only in the Maroon National Assembly, and deal with any aspect of the Governments' finance, revenue generation and/or expenditures. This will include taxation, income from natural resources, tourism, public and private sector businesses; expenditures for education , health, economic development, environmental protection, loans and audit of accounts.
b. The procedure for money Bills differs from that for ordinary Bills. The revenue and expenditure are settled in the following way.

Funding projects
If the Government Ministers are seeking to fund a specific project then they will put forward a resolution stating :
1. What is the issue?
2. What money is needed to correct the challenge?
3. How the money will be spent and with Whom.
4. What will be the outcome in 1 year, 3 years and 5 years?
5. What is the revenue source to cover the expense? And this can include budget allocations for major areas like education, health, economic development etc.
6. How does the outcome impact the national good?

These resolutions will be debated by the House in committee. When the various resolutions have been agreed to, they are brought to the full house for a vote and if successful incorporated into Bills, which are passed in the usual way


Article 30 - Responsibilities of chiefs and public servants

All Chiefs' and Public Servant are responsible for the development of the Nation and wellbeing and upliftment of the people, our land, air, sea and Center Earth.
None of the said resources shall be exploited by any person, natural or juridical, in violation of the principles of conservation by Divine Law. All property not held and possessed in the name of any person natural or juridical , including all land in escheat, and all abandoned properties, whether real or personal, as well as all products and natural resources of the sub-soil , all forest and all grazing lands, water courses, lakes and territorial waters are State Domain.


Article 31 - State Domain

None of the said resources shall be exploited by any person, natural or juridical, in violation of the principles of conservation by Divine Law. All property not held and possessed in the name of any person natural or juridical , including all land in escheat, and all abandoned properties, whether real or personal, as well as all products and natural resources of the sub-soil , all forest and all grazing lands, water courses, lakes and territorial waters are State Domain.

Part 5. Anti-Corruption Measures

Article 32 - National Maroon Council of Holdings- anti corruption measures

a. In order to address the issue of past corruption, the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Parliament will include a National Maroon Council of Holdings whose responsibilities include ensuring fiscal responsibility of the Parliament and that anti-corruption measures are put in place.

b. The National Maroon Council of Holdings also represents the tribal provinces to ensure that provincial interest are taken into account in the national sphere of government. It does this mainly by participating in the national legislative process and by providing a national forum for public consideration of issues affecting the tribal provinces.

c. The National Maroon Assembly and the National Maroon Council of Holding participate in the legislative process in the manner set out by the Constitution.

d. The National Maroon Assembly is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the :Nyan-ko-pong: Constitution. It does this by choosing the Chief Minister, by providing a national forum for public consideration of issues, by passing legislation and by scrutinizing and overseeing executive action.


Part 6. Judiciary

Article 33 - Judicial matters

a. The High Chief of the Nation shall be the guarantor of the independence of the Judicial Authority. He/She shall be assisted by the Constitutional Council of Maroon Judges.

b. Members of the Constitutional Council of Maroon Judges are the Supreme Court of the nation.

c. Judges are nominated by the Maroon National Council and vetted to the full body of the Maroon National Assembly. If approved after a hearing they serve 20 years.

d. These Judges can only be removable from office by the High Chief in office if it seems fit under extreme circumstances.

e. Judges can appeal to the Emperor. 


Article 34 -The Constitutional Council

a. The Constitutional Council is responsible for upholding the Constitution in the day to day operation of the country. Decisions will be based on the Constitution, the Magna Charter, and Maroon Common Law which is based on customary practices of the Maroon people in the countries of residence.

b. It is also responsible for application of Human Rights Laws as it relates to the Declaration of Human Rights, Declaration on Indigenous Right, the International Labour Organization Convention 169 and all applicable declarations and treaties that support our sovereign status and right to self determination.

c. The Constitutional Council is responsible for educating the public on their rights and creates a curriculum for civics in all levels of education, for civil service, and constitutional training for office holders.

d. The office is responsible for ethics training for office holders.

e. All members of the Council will be legally trained in the Maroon Constitution.

Constitutional Council Structure
Supreme Court
7 members

Parish/County Level:
Local Level- Constitutional Council Representativez


Article 35 - Supreme Court

a. The Constitutional Council shall be comprised of seven members, each of whom shall hold office for a renewable term of twenty years with good performance.

b. Four of the members shall be appointed by the Paramount Chief/ Emperor of the Nation and the other three by the National Maroon Council.

c. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the High Chief of each nation with approval from the Emperor of the Nation.

d. He/she shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.


Article 36 - Traditional laws and development

All Laws must coincide with the traditional laws created by the Maroons pre and post the 1738 and 1739 Articles of Pacification.


Article 37 - Oath of office requirement

a. Every government employee is required to sign the Oath of Office and swear to uphold and abide by the Constitution before taking up office space in the Government Office.

b. All Aliens and People from Earth and other Planets must abide by the rules of our land and constitution or they will be prosecuted, imprisoned, executed or fined.


Article 38 - Rights of the accused, detention and due process

a. Every individual shall have the right to liberty and to the security of his person. No one may be deprived of his freedom except for reasons and conditions previously laid down by law.

b. No one may be arbitrarily arrested or detained.

c. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by the Jury in whichever part of the land where the crime was committed, and a Courts Office is presented, where they will be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

d. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or other crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

e. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

f. Every individual shall have the right to have his cause heard. This comprises:

i. The right to an appeal to competent national organs against acts of violating his fundamental rights as recognized and guaranteed by conventions, laws, regulations and customs in force;

ii. The right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty by a competent court or tribunal;

iii. The right to defense, including the right to be defended by counsel of his choice;

iv. The right to be tried within a reasonable time by an impartial court or tribunal.

v. No one may be condemned for an act or omission which did not constitute a legally punishable offence at the time it was committed.

vi. No penalty may be inflicted for an offence for which no provision was made at the time it was committed. Punishment is personal and can be imposed only on the offender.

g. The Judiciary, guardian of the freedom of the individual, shall ensure compliance with this principle in the conditions laid down by statute. Any crimes committed within the state which the 1738 and 1739 articles of Pacification does not give the :Nyan-Ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, jurisdiction over, will no longer be turned over to the Colonials/Maritime/ Jamaican Government for criminal prosecution, but instead, to the Maroon Constitutional Council for equal and fair adjudication. h. No one shall be tortured.


Article 39 - No quartering of law enforcement

No Law enforcement officers shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


Article 40 - Removal from office

High Chief
The High Chief of the Nation shall not be removed from office during the term thereof on any grounds other than a breach of his duties patently incompatible with his continuing in office. Such removal from office shall be proclaimed by the Constitutional Council sitting as the Judiciary.
Chief General Only the Paramount Chief/Emperor can dismiss the Chief General of the land and dissolve the office of the Chief General. The Chief General only answer and report to the Paramount Chief / Emperor.


Article 41- Confiscation of property as a penalty

a. Confiscation of property as a penalty, shall not be imposed except in cases of treason against the Paramount Chief/Emperor or the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, as defined by law; sequestration of property as penalty shall not be imposed except in cases of property belonging to persons residing abroad and conspiring against or engaging in deliberately hostile acts against the High Chief or the Constitution or the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America as defined by law.

b. Attachment proceedings covering the whole or part of the property of a person made under judicial authority to cover payment of civil liability, or arising out of the commission of an offence or to meet fees or fines, shall not be deemed a confiscation of property.


Article 42 - Bringing suit against the High Chief, Paramount Chief/Emperor and government

a. In accordance with Maroon traditions and the provisions provided for in this indigenous constitution, no one shall have the right to bring suit against the High Chief or Paramount Chief/Emperor

b. Any resident of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, may bring suit in the Constitutional Courts of :Nyan-ko-pong: against the Government, or any Ministry, Department, Agency or instrumentality thereof, for wrongful acts resulting in substantial damage.

c. In the event that the courts shall find that such suit has been brought maliciously or without foundation, the court shall in such cases decree remedies or penalties in accordance with the law which will include reimbursement of cost for party which loses the case and any damages.


Article 43 - Right to present petitions

Everyone in the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall have the international right (diplomatic privilege) to present petitions to the Emperor /Paramount Chief, the Chief -General and High Chief in accordance with the law.


Article - 44 Pardon

a. The High Chief of the Nation shall preside over the :Nyan-ko-pong: National Assembly and with the Paramount Chief /Emperor have full authority over the Maroon National Council (Parliament). Both will have the final say in jurisdictional and juridical matters pertaining to the government, with the powers to pardon lawbreakers and forgive them for their transgressions.

b. (NB: All detrimental decision such as corporal punishment, Declaration of a State of Emergency, Nation going to war etc.) must be approved by the Emperor.

Part 7. The Economic, Social and Environmental Council

Article 45 - Duties

a. The Economic, Social and Environmental Council, on a referral from the Government, shall give its opinion on such Government Bills, draft Ordinances, draft Decrees, and Private Members' Bills as have been submitted to it.

b. A referral may be made to the Economic, Social and Environmental Council by petition, in the manner determined by an Institutional Act. After consideration of the petition, it shall inform the :Nyan-ko-pong: Government of the pursuant action it proposes. c. The Economic, Social and Environmental Council shall also be consulted by the Government on any economic, social or environmental issue. It is expected to provide guidelines for policy, design of programs and budgets, and provide oversight and accountability.


Article 46 - Composition of the Council

The composition of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, which must not exceed two hundred and fifty members, and its rules of proceeding shall be determined by an Institutional Act.


Article 47 - Wage reform/minimum wage for essential workers

All people of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of the Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall be entitled to adequate wages which meet the basic needs of the people to sustain themselves and/or their families. This basic wage should cover median rent, clothing, food, electricity, communication, transportation, health and recreation. This wage should ensure that the indigenous peoples enjoy a high quality of life and that essential workers carry on a high standard of living and health. This salary shall be at least $200,000 JA monthly/ payable by official Maroon currency or Lumi. This pursuant to the ratification of the UN treaty on Indigenous Land reform (2030) where the resources of our land will be used to improve the quality of life for the native peoples of the land as we assert our Right to Development.

NOTE: Under the Paramount Chief/Emperor orders, along with the High Chief and Maroon councils, all military, police, fire workers, doctors, teachers, essential frontline workers who put their lives on the line daily for the nation, shall have an extension on their wages and salaries separate from monthly pay of $200,000. JA, to alleviate corruption in civil society and reward all indigenous peoples among us who are worthy.

All budgets approved must show how this revenue expense will be paid for by the government.

Part 8. International Rights of Fundamental Freedoms

These are only a few of the indivisible international rights and fundamental freedoms of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America. All international rights and fundamental freedoms are found in the :Nyan-ko-pong: Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.


Article 48 - Right to respect for life

a. We the people/Supreme beings rights are inviolable.

b. Every Supreme Being shall be entitled to respect for his /her life and his/her integrity.

c. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of this right.


Article 49 - The Right to Self Determination

a. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development, without outside interference.

b. Governments are to represent the whole population without distinction.

c. All :Nyan-ko-pong: people have the right to exercise their right to Self-Determination which includes their Right to Development that gives them a high quality of living and a sustainable future.

Article 50 - Right to Life

a. Every individual of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, is entitled to the international right to life, liberty and freedom of the people.

b. Right to refusal of medical testing and treatment
We know that germ warfare has been a tactic used by colonizers against indigenous people globally and that :Covid: 19. is a laboratory creation of the eugenic movement of the Rockefeller Foundation, Klauss Schwab (of the World Economic Forum), Bill and Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, and BIG PHARMA all aimed at our Maroon people (Black race). LGBTQ is one of a tripartite agenda of using food, medicine and laboratory generated diseases (HIV/AIDS, Ebola Virus, NIPA virus, ZIKA virus, Dengue Fever, Lassa Fever, Autism and lately, :Covid: 19. which is a hybrid of HIV/AIDS and SAR-COV2 viruses originally created in Fort Dietrich Laboratory in North Carolina, USA, set up to decimate the Maroon people globally. But we the people, the Gods and the Ancestors strongly condemn it and will not allow it.

i. Every individual of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall have the right to refuse non-consensual medical testing and treatment, experimental vaccines and medications, forced experimentations, and anything they deem would be harmful to their body, their children and family, no matter if there is a State Health Emergency.
ii. No one should be forced to take any form of medical treatment without them agreeing to do so.


Article 51 - No torture

All :Nyan-ko-pong: people shall not be subject to torture, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment.


Article 52 - Equality before the law

All :Nyan-ko-pong: people are equal before the law and are equally protected without discrimination before the law.


Article 53 - Freedom of movement

All :Nyan-ko-pong: people have the international right to freedom of movement and residence within and without the borders of the state, globally and throughout the galaxy.


Article 54 - Property rights

a. Everyone has the international right to own property, individually, or in association with others.

b. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her property.


Article 55 - Freedom of opinion and expression

a. All have the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
b. This includes the international right to hold opinions and expressions without Jesuit and any other colonial interference.


Article 56 -Right to an education

Everyone in the Nation has the right to an education.

Education, along with lunch shall be free, in the infant, primary and secondary grades.

Primary and Secondary education shall be compulsory.

Technical and professional education shall be made generally available to all who wish to better themselves.

Higher education (Colleges and University and Trade schools) shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

Civics shall be taught in all school curriculums, from basic schools to university. A thorough understanding of the government will be encouraged.

Tribal Culture and the ways of the Ancestors shall be taught in all school curriculums, from basic schools to university.

The Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) of Kwanzaa shall be taught.

Spiritually enhancing meditative practices shall be taught in all school curriculums, from basic school to university.

S.T.E.E.A.A.M. (Science Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Agriculture and Math) shall be included in the curriculum at all levels. Montessori style education will be available from infancy through primary school.

Every Educational Institution should offer at least four languages, to every Maroon Native child on the planet, from basic school to University, by law. Language academies will be fostered so that Maroon diplomacy can be expanded globally.

Rites of Passage and Leadership Development will be a part of the curriculum for all children. We will create next generation leaders for our communities.


Article 57 - Freedom of Religion

a. In the words of our Emperor Horus Lewis El-Bey we accept all religions, because at the end of the day, all religion is based on a spirit and all people are spirits. So we are all One.

b. All :Nyan-ko-pong: people have the international right to exercise freedom of religion and practice their faith as is their belief without interference from the government.

c. Freedom of conscience, the profession and free practice of religion shall be guaranteed. No one may, subject to law and order, be submitted to measures restricting the exercise of these freedoms.

d. All :Nyan-ko-pong: people have a right to practice the spiritual practices of their ancestors without interference from the government.

Part 9. Fiscal

Article 58 - Revenue Fund

There is a :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Native of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Revenue Fund, into which all money received by the tribal governments must be paid. b. Money may be withdrawn from the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Revenue Fund only -

i. in terms of an appropriation by an Act of Parliament; or

ii. as a direct charge against the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Revenue Fund, when it is provided for in the Constitution or as an Act of Parliament.

c. All distributions will be equitable to achieve sustainable development for all peoples whether rural or urban. A village's equitable share of revenue raised nationally is a direct charge against the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Revenue Fund.

d. All disbursements will be based on a budget submitted annually from each area of government and will look at revenue received/ projected and expenses.

e. The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories,  will have a balanced annual budget.


Article 59 - Equitable shares and allocations of revenue

a. An Act of Parliament must provide for:

i. the equitable division of revenue raised internationally among the national, provincial and local spheres of government.

ii. The determination of each village equitable share of the provincial share of the revenue; and

iii. Any other allocations to villages, local government or municipalities from the national governments' share of that revenue, and any conditions on which those allocations may be made.

b. The Act referred to in subsection (a) may be enacted only after the tribal governments, organized local government and the Financial and Fiscal Commission have been consulted, and any recommendations of the Commission have been considered, and must take into account

i. the national interest;

ii. any provision that must be made in respect to the national debt and other national obligations;

iii. the current needs and interests of the National Government, determined by objective criteria;

iv. the need to ensure that the villages and municipalities are able to provide basic services and perform the functions allocated to them and that their inhabitants develop and have a high quality of life and health per the Human Development Index and Sustainable Development Goals and any other indicators used for development;

v. the fiscal capacity and efficiency of the villages and municipalities;

vi. developmental and other needs of villages, local government and municipalities;

vii. economic disparities within and among the villages;

viii. obligations of the villages and municipalities in terms of national legislation;

ix. the desirability of stable and predictable allocations of revenue shares; and

x. the need for flexibility in responding to emergencies or other temporary needs, and other factors based on similar objective criteria.

[Date of commencement: 14 January, 2018]


Article 60 - :Nyan-ko-pong: Heritage Trust

a. The :Nyan-ko-pong: Heritage Trust will be created to redevelop Maroon heritage, culture and indigenous way of life through contributions from Nationals on a consistent basis to facilitate the re-gentrification of all of the following:

i. All Maroon Heritage sites will be restored and acknowledged;

ii. The creation of affordable and sustainable green housing solutions for all native people.

iii. An investment in the Arts (Music, Dance, theatre, poetry etc), Entertainment and Culture of the Maroon people.

iv. Funding to alleviate poverty for destitute Nationals. Programs which help them to help themselves, and which will include assistance with food and housing, and workforce development training which will include entrepreneurship.

v. Funding to invest in industries which will grow the nations' economy and expand it from a tourism and mining economy to one that utilizes all of our resources. This will include Agricultural initiatives (animal husbandry, milk production, cheese production, fresh fruits and vegetables); Fishery (expansion of the native fishery including ponds, salt water, drying etc); Alternative Health and Medicinal herbs (documenting and researching uses for native herbs as substitute for pharmaceuticals); Alternative Fuel using green technology; expansion of solar and wind technology; Spiritual and Psychic development studies; Expansion of the mining sector to look at byproducts of Bauxite production and other minerals that need to be developed into industries like iron ore, titanium etc; Transportation and Railway; Science and Technology, Research and Development; Eco-Tourism (discover Xaymaca - internal tourism as well as external tourism) etc. This will include sponsorship of competitions to identify innovations in Science and Technology.

vi. Re-education of our peoples from a colonized mindset to one which strengthen their Maroon identity, and envisions the benefits of their Right to Development, Sovereignty, and Self Determination.

b. An Identification of Resource Committee will be created to address the untapped resources of the country and to create models for implementing industries which lead to sustainable development and foreign markets for our products. This will be a top priority of the government as it revenue generating. All projects must have an environmental impact study done to protect the people.


Article 61 - National, Provincial and Municipal Budgets

a. National, provincial and municipal budgets and budgetary processes must promote transparency, accountability and the effective financial management of the economy, credit and the public sector.

b. National legislation must prescribe

i. the form of national, provincial and municipal budgets;

ii. when national and provincial budgets must be tabled; and

iii. that budgets in each sphere of government must show the sources of revenue and the way in which proposed expenditure will comply with national legislation.

iv. That each type of budget must be balanced when submitted.

[Date of commencement: 14 January, 2018.]


Article 62 - Treasury Control

a. National Legislation must establish a National Treasury and prescribe measures to ensure both transparency and expenditure control in each sphere of government, by introducing

i. generally recognized accounting practices;

ii. uniform expenditure classifications; and

iii. uniform treasury norms and standards.

b. The National Treasury must enforce compliance with the measures established in terms of subsection (a), and may stop the transfer of funds to an organ of state if that organ of state commits a serious or persistent material breach of those measures.

c. A decision to stop the transfer of funds due to a village may be taken only in the circumstances mentioned in subsection (b) and the National Treasury may not stop the transfer of funds for more than 120 days; This may be enforced immediately, and will lapse unless Parliament approves it following a process prescribed by the joint rules and orders of Parliament. This process must be completed within 30 days of the decision by the National Treasury. Parliament may renew a decision to stop the transfer of funds for no more than 120 days at a time, following the process established in terms of this subsection.

d. Before Parliament may approve or renew a decision to stop the transfer of funds to a village or country, the Auditor-General must report to Parliament; and the village/country/political location must be given an opportunity to answer the allegations against it, and to state its case, before a committee.


Article 63 - Procurement

(a) When an organ of state in the international, provincial or local sphere of government, or any other institution identified in national legislation, contracts for goods or services, it must do so in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective.
(b) Subsection (a.) does not prevent the organs of state or institutions referred to in that subsection from implementing a procurement policy providing for

i. categories of preference in the allocation of contracts; and
ii. the protection or advancement of persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination.

(c) National legislation must prescribe a framework within which the policy referred to in subsection (b.) must be implemented.


Article 64 - Remuneration of Persons Holding Public Office

a. An Act of Parliament must establish a framework for determining

 i. the salaries, allowances and benefits of members of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America National Executive staff, National Assembly, elected members the Maroon National Council, Parish/County/Regional Council and Maroon Village Local Council, their staff and support teams needed, traditional leaders and members of any councils required to provide assistance to the government; and

ii. the upper limit of salaries, allowances and benefits of members of tribal legislatures, members of Executive Councils and members of Municipal Councils of the different categories.

b. National Legislation must establish an independent commission to make recommendations concerning the salaries, allowances and benefits referred to in subsection (a).

c. By the Emperor orders, all salaries for the above mentioned, shall be doubled as most of the members will be switched over from the Colonial Maritime Government to the Maroon Government to hold their existing positions or a different position that they are qualified for. The doubling up of the Salary, is to eliminate corruption in office and to create a better environment for the employees and their families. Note: Qualification is to make sure all persons in positions are qualified to do that job and are not there as prior political appointees.

d. By the Emperors' orders, all Justice of the Peace and Notary Public who serves under the Maroon Government, each month will receive a stipend of $50,000.00 for their community service and to help them with their office equipment that they use on a daily basis to serve the Maroon National people of the land.

e. Parliament may pass the legislation referred to in subsection (a) only after considering any recommendations of the commission established in terms of subsection (b).

f. The National Executive, a Tribal Executive, a Municipality or any other relevant authority must implement the National Legislation referred to in subsection (a) only after considering any recommendations of the commission established in terms of subsection (b), (c), and (d).

g. National legislation must establish frameworks for determining the salaries, allowances and benefits of Judges, the Public Prosecutor, the Auditor-General, and members of any commission provided for in the Constitution.,


Article 65 - Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission Establishment and Functions

a. There is a Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission for the Nations which makes recommendations envisaged in this Chapter, or in National Legislation, to Parliament, tribal legislatures and any other authorities determined by the National Legislation.

b. The Commission is independent and subject only to the Constitution and the law, and must be impartial.

c. The Commission must function in terms of an Act of Parliament and, in performing its functions, must consider all relevant factors.


Article 66 - Appointment and Tenure of Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission Members

a. The Commission consists of the following women and men appointed by the High Chief of the Nation, as head of the National Executive:

i. A chairperson and a deputy chairperson;

ii. Three persons selected, after consulting the High Chief, from a list compiled in accordance with a process prescribed by the National Legislation;

iii. Two persons selected, after consulting organized Local Government (Parish/County/ Regional), from a list compiled in accordance with a process prescribed by National Legislation; and

iv. Two other persons

b. National Legislation referred to in subsection (a) must provide for the participation of- the High Chief of the Nation in the compilation of a list envisaged in subsection (a) (i); and (ii) organized local government in the compilation of a list envisaged in subsection (a) (iii).

c. Members of the Maroon Commission must have the appropriate expertise required to be effective for the named commission.

d. Members serve for a term established by the National Legislation. The High Chief of the Nation may remove a member from office on the ground of misconduct, incapacity or incompetence.


Article 67- Reports of the Maroon Commission

The Maroon Commission must report regularly both to Parliament and to the tribal legislatures. These reports shall be quarterly, with an annual report summarizing the years' activities and outcomes.


Article 68 - Central Bank Establishment

:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Reserve Global Bank

The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America Reserve Global Bank is the Central Bank of the Nation and is regulated by an Act of Parliament.

Primary objective

a. The primary objective of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca Reserve Global Bank is to protect the value of the currency in the interest of building a balanced and sustainable economic growth in the Republic nationally and globally.

b. The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca Reserve Global Bank, in pursuit of its primary objective, must perform its functions independently and without fear, favor or prejudice, and there must be regular consultation between the Bank, the Global Maroon Emperor/ Paramount Chief, the High Chief of the Nation, The Chiefs' as well as the Council of Elders who is responsible for national and international fiscal solvency.

Powers and Functions

c. The powers and functions of the The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca Reserve Global Bank are those customarily exercised and performed by central banks, whose powers and functions must be determined by an Act of :Nyan-ko-pong: Parliament and must be exercised or performed subject to the conditions prescribed in the terms of that Act.


Article 69 - Tribal and Local Financial Matters

a. There is a Tribal Revenue Fund for each tribe into which all money received by the tribal government must be deposited. b. Money may be withdrawn from a Tribal Revenue Fund only

i. in terms of an appropriation by a provincial Act; or

ii. as a direct charge against the Tribal Revenue Fund, when it is provided for in the Constitution or a provincial Act.

c. Revenue allocated through a tribe to local government in any village is a direct charge against that villages Tribal Revenue Fund.

d. National Legislation may determine a framework within which a Tribal Act may in terms of subsection (b)(ii) authorize the withdrawal of money as a direct charge against a Tribal Revenue Fund; and revenue allocated through a tribe to local government in any village in terms of subsection (c) must be paid to municipalities in the village.

[Date of commencement: 14 January, 2018]  


Article 70 - National Sources of Tribal and Local Government Funding

a. Local Government and each village

i. is entitled to an equitable share of revenue raised nationally to enable it to provide basic services and perform the functions allocated to it; and

ii. may receive other allocations from National Government revenue, either conditionally or unconditionally

b. Additional revenue raised by villages or municipalities may not be deducted from their share of revenue raised nationally, or from other allocations made to Finance them, out of the National Government revenue. Equally, there is no obligation on the National government to compensate villages or municipalities that do not raise revenue commensurate with their fiscal capacity and fees base.

c. A tribe's equitable share of revenue raised nationally must be transferred to the village promptly and without deduction, except when the transfer has been stopped.

d. A village must provide for itself any resources that it requires, in terms of a provision of its tribal constitution, that are additional to its requirements envisaged in the Constitution.


[Date of commencement: 14 January 2018]


Article 71 - Annual Company Fee

a. A Tribal Legislature may impose

i. Levies and duties other than annual company fee, value-added fee, rates on property or customs duties; and
ii. Flat-rate surcharges on any company fee, levy or duty that is imposed by national legislation, other than on corporate company fee, value-added fee, rates on property or customs duties.

b. The power of a tribal legislature to impose fees, levies, duties and surcharges may not be exercised in a way that materially and unreasonably prejudices national economic policies, economic activities across tribal boundaries, or the national mobility of goods, services, capital or labor; and must be regulated in terms of an Act of Parliament, which may be enacted only after any recommendations of the Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission have been considered.

[Date of commencement: 14 January 2018]


Article 72 -Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions

a. A Municipality may impose— rates on property and surcharges on fees for services provided by or on behalf of the municipality; and if authorized by national legislation, other fees, levies and duties appropriate to local government or to the category of local government into which that municipality falls; but no municipality may impose annually company fee, value-added fee, general sales fee or customs duty.

b. The power of a municipality to impose rates on property, surcharges on fees for services provided by or on behalf of the municipality, or other fees, levies or duties— may not be exercised in a way that materially and unreasonably prejudices national economic policies, economic activities across municipal boundaries, or the national mobility of goods, services, capital or labor; and may be regulated by national legislation.

c. When two municipalities have the same fiscal powers and functions with regard to the same area, an appropriate division of those powers and functions must be made in terms of national legislation. The division may be made only after taking into account at least the following criteria:

i. The need to comply with sound principles of Company Fees.
ii. The powers and functions performed by each municipality.
iii. The fiscal capacity of each municipality.
iv. The effectiveness and efficiency of raising annual company fee, levies and duties.
v. Equity.

d. Nothing in this section precludes the sharing of revenue raised in terms of this section between municipalities that have fiscal power and functions in the same area.

e. National legislation envisaged in this section may be enacted only after organized local government and the Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission have been consulted, and any recommendations of the Maroon Commission have been considered.

[Date of commencement: 14 January 2018]


Article 73 - Tribal Loans

a. A tribe may raise loans for capital or current expenditure in accordance with National Legislation, but loans for current expenditure may be raised only when necessary for bridging purposes during a fiscal year.

b. National legislation referred to in subsection (a.) may be enacted only after any recommendations of the Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission have been considered.


Article 74 -  Municipal loans

a. A Tribal Council may, in accordance with National Legislation

1. Raise loans for capital or current expenditure for the municipality, but loans for current expenditure may be raised only when necessary for bridging purposes during a fiscal year; and
ii. bind itself and a future Tribal Council in the exercise of its legislative and executive authority to secure loans or investments for the municipality.

 b. National legislation referred to in subsection (a.) may be enacted only after any recommendations from the Financial and Fiscal Maroon Commission have been considered.


Article 75 - Audit of Ministries

a. There shall be an Auditor-General who shall be appointed by the Paramount Chief of the Nation.

b. He shall be a person who is known to be of the highest character, as well as to possess the requisite technical capacity. His functions shall be defined by law. Duties shall include the auditing of the accounts of all Ministries, departments and agencies of the Government, and the making of periodic reports to the Paramount Chief and to Parliament on the fiscal operations of the Government.

c. The Auditor-General shall at all times be entitled to have access to all books and records relating to the said accounts. This will include waste in manpower.

d. The Auditor General will file an annual report for each agency listed above.


Article 76 - No taxes on individuals, tax on businesses

a. The Government under the orders of His Excellency Emperor Horus Lewis El Bey. Paramount Chief and High Priest and the Council of Elders declares it will not levy tax on individuals.

b. However, the government will levy Corporate Tax on Businesses, Foreign Nationals, Foreign mining and oil companies and Foreign banks, value added taxes, levies and on income produced on other goods and services in all Maroon territories globally.


Part 10. Amendments to the Constitution

Article 77 - Amendments to the Constitution

a. Amendments to the Constitution can be initiated by the people through their elected officials in the National Council. The High Chief of the Nation, on the recommendation of the Deputy Chief, and Members of the National Council alike shall have the right to initiate amendments to the Constitution. The final say is left to the Emperor.

b. And if the peoples' request for changes fall on deaf ears from the National Council, the people can petition the Emperor directly.

c. No amendment procedure shall be commenced or continued where the integrity of national sovereignty over indigenous territory is placed in jeopardy.


Part 11. Long Term Investment in our people

Article 78 - Support for global peace and Sustainable Development Goals

:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, is also dedicated to global peace and the alleviation of poverty and ending hunger by working under the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, on the planet and beyond.


Article 79 - Sovereign Maroon Police and Military

a. There shall be a Sovereign Maroon Police Force, along with a Sovereign Maroon Military Defense Force to make up the security apparatus of the Nation.

b. All military personnel are entitled to voluntary retirement from service after 35 years of service provided to the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Military Defense Force, and have all access to full retirement pensions and benefits after age 60.

c. Discounted price for government essential workers. All Civil Servants; Military, Police, Government Doctors, Public School Teachers /University staff, and official Government workers will all have the benefit of a special discounted price on purchasing government lands, houses, vehicles, medical care; to facilitate a better quality of life for government workers who are the backbone of the country and must share in the wealth of the nation.


Article 80 - Defense of the nation

a. Everyone in the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, has the moral duty to respect and obey the Constitution, laws, decrees, orders or regulations of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America.

b. Sovereign Maroon peoples, in addition, owe loyalty to the High Chief, the Emperor and the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, and have the duty of defending the Paramount Chief and Emperor and the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; to perform public services, including military service, when called upon to do so; and to exercise the right of suffrage which is conferred upon them by the said Constitution.


Article 81 - Youth Service

a. When a native youth finishes secondary school, he/she is required to do a year of service to the nation.

b. For this service he/she will receive compensation through a stipend and housing if away from home.

c. Youth will be encouraged to work in their communities to address issues of concern for community members.

d. Leadership training will be provided.


Article 82 - Conservation of the Natural Resources

a. The natural resources of, and in the sub-soil of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, including those beneath its waters, are State Domain. The natural resources in the waters, forests, land, air, lakes, rivers and ports of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America are sacred trust for the benefit of present and succeeding generations of the sovereign Maroon peoples.

b. The conservation of the said resources is essential for the preservation of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis, North America.

c. The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of Atlantis Xaymaca, North America, shall accordingly take all such measures as may be necessary and proper, in conformity with the Constitution, for the conservation of said resources.

d. National development (such as mining, logging, and other extractive industries) will not be pitted against the rights of Indigenous or Maroon populations.

e. Free, prior and informed consent will be required for all major/minor development projects throughout the country, and territorial rights for all Maroons and indigenous people will be respected.

f. Environmental impact studies are prerequisite for approval for all projects in the country. Long term sustainable development which considers the health of the current and future generations is a priority.

g. The government will commission studies to see the past impact of mining, logging and other extractive industries and their imp


Article 83 - State Domain

a. None of the said resources shall be exploited by any person, natural or juridical, in violation of the principles of conservation established by divine Law.

b. All property not held and possessed in the name of any person natural or juridical, including all land in escheat, and all abandoned properties, whether real or personal, as well as all products of the sub-soil, all forests and all grazing lands, water courses, lakes and territorial waters are State Domain.


Download | :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Constitution (.pdf)

Given in the Capital City of Kingston on the 15th day of September 2020.
Amended August 12, 2021, Second Revision September 10th, 2021




:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native Maroon Ministry of Ancestry, Roots Culture and Artistry
+1(876)669-3330 / +1(876)337-5048 / +1(876)773-4594

Xaymaca, Office
96 :Constant Spring Road: Central:
Kingston: 10
Greater Antilles, The Americas, Alantis.

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