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Maroon peoples' Sovereignty is the foundational principle of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Government mission to gain recognition towards universal autonomy to craft our Sovereign space as a source of inspiration to embrace the right to self-determination, and establish a peaceful empire of homogeneity and our own governance as permitted under international law universally and globally.


Our vision is to help the :Nyan-ko-pong: maroon nation people build better lives, achieve peace supported by sustainable, resilient and an inclusive infrastructure and by the efficient, transparent use of public resources, business development and procurement along with project management.


The power of we the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories lies in how we envisage ourselves, to be creators of nation subjects rather than objects of state laws and false international histories. It enables and empowers the reconceptualization of :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Nation identities to be bearers of unifying peaceful rights, obligations and unique nationhood, as agents of our own destiny. To these tasks, governance and sustenance of we the :Nyan-ko-pong: Maroon Nation - Sovereignty matters in consequential ways to comprehend the political plans, policies and cultural outlooks of our Sovereign Maroon Nation.

Maroon Sovereignty has its underlying meaning as to the continuum of local ancestral heritage, self-governance and preservation of cultural knowledge & traditions and spiritual practices. While respecting local main stream contexts, we will bring the highest international standards to what we do. This will be achieved through our dissemination of the rights of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories under the Human Rights & United Nations charters and conventions in addition to the remedial separation permitted within International Laws. We will provide practical solutions to assist our partners to save lives, protect our nations rights and to build a better future as our contribution to tackling the huge challenges of economical slavery, depression and food shortage, when when there is more than enough food to feed the world within this 21st century of modernization and continued developments.

:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories Government aspires to be leaders in efforts to channel private sector investment for social and environmental change, while addressing the needs of the International Maroon Nations and Territories for sustainable development and better economic opportunities. Our purpose further extends to our passion to provide opportunities to the most vulnerable of our nation so they are empowered to overcome obstacles of inequalities improve access to education and resources which promote economic self reliance as well as a sustainable peaceful lifestyle. We are passionate about quality, in our nation as well as what we do, we work on behalf of our nation with the highest degrees of passion and transparency, ensuring that we continually build trust while delivering on our promise to always act in the service of :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories.


Careers in Sovereign Native Maroon Government


Chief Administration General

A Chief Administrative General (CAG) is a top-level executive responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government it's overall performance. In addition to managing the Governments' finances as well as creating goals, policies, and procedures for the company to help it operate more efficiently and compliantly. It's a role that requires high-level decision-making, leadership skills, and strong communication skills. They report directly to the Secretary of State (SOS) and act as a go-between for other senior- level management and the SOS. C.A.Gs also manage administrative staff and are responsible for overseeing the accounting staff.

C.A.Gs work closely with leaders across the Government and need to be able to communicate to the SOS how various departments are functioning within the Government. These executives have a strong focus on policy, procedure, profits, and ensuring that all regulatory rules and regulations are followed. They work closely with departments and teams within the Government to ensure they're operating effectively and to determine whether there is room for improvement.

The main responsibilities of a C.A.Gs are to ensure the Government is operating efficiently daily, and to oversee relevant high-level management and other personnel. CAGs should have strong presentation skills and the ability to communicate complex business and financial information to other stakeholders in the Government. It's a role that requires an understanding of change management and an ability to juggle several complex projects at once. C.A.Gs need a solid relationship built on trust with the SOS of the Government because they will work closely with them to improve business efficiency. The responsibilities of a C.A.O differ depending on industry, but general expectations for the role include:

Setting, monitoring, and managing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for departments and management staff

 - Creating, implementing monitoring employment policies and procedures are in line with current legislation, regulations and laws.

 - Establish and oversee a :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Resource Department

 - Formulating strategic, operational, and budgetary plans

 - Working closely with and training new managers in administrative roles
- Mentoring and coaching administrative staff within the Government
- Performing manager appraisals and evaluations in partnership with the MR department

 - Working closely with Secretary of State and board of directors

 - Staying up to date on the latest changes to government rules and regulations related to administrative tasks, accounting, and financial reporting

 - If a department isn't performing well, a CAG will take over as acting head of the department, working at the helm of the team or department to get a firsthand look at how it's functioning and how it could be improved.

- Strategic project management

 - Risk management/risk control

 - Ability to generate "effective reports and give presentations"

 - Knowledge of Tax laws,

 - Knowledge of Accounting Principles (KAP),

 - Security Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and regulations,

 - Internal audit procedures within the Government
- Strategic planning

 - Team leadership

 - Legal compliance

 - Financial reporting

 - Regulatory compliance

 - Budget management






Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice is the lead administrator of Justice in Jamaica and therefore administers legislation,
delivers justice services and provides policy support and analysis on justice issues.

- To strengthen public trust and confidence in the justice system;

 - Improved access to justice;

 - Strengthened linkages between justice sector institutions;

 - Establish a sound court infrastructure

 - Implement a social component to the delivery of justice.
 - Ensure that Xaymaca is a just and law-abiding society with an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice for all.

 - Promote respect for rights and freedoms, the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

 - Promote awareness of individual responsibilities and Nation obligations.






Further Responsibilities include:
 - Protect the constitutional rights of Sovereign Maroon natives.

 -Maintain the independence of the judiciary.

 -  Reinforce confidence in Legal Institutions.

 - Carry out law reform to effect greater social justice.

 - Provide means of redress when Sovereign Maroon Natives are abused by organs of the state.

 - Carry out legal directives from the courts for the protection of society.


Minister of Finance and Public Service 

 - ensure that the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government pursues policies that facilitate sustainable growth in the Sovereign Maroon nations' economy.

- Manage the effective regulations of the sovereign Maroon Nations Financial Institutions and cost-effective delivery of public services.

 - revenue protection,

- revenue appeals

 - corporate planning & Administration

 - public enterprise

- public expenditure policy & coordination,

- public expenditure

 - financial regulations

- finance & accounts

 - financial investigations

- economic management

 - taxation policy for business

 - strategic human resource management,

 - internal audit







Minister of Legal & Constitutional Affairs
 - take charge of, and give focused attention to, the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Governments' legislative agenda and its legal and constitutional reform aspirations
 - carry out reviews of the Constitution to ensure it is more inclusive of all Sovereign Maroon natives both locally and across the world.

  - improve knowledge and understanding of legislation under each Ministrys' portfolio to prevent/reduce the Governments' exposure to Court action and ultimately, liability, as well as to help improve confidence and integrity in government.

 - promote the purpose of the Public Education Programme on the Laws of Xaymaca to educate technocrats and all Native Xaymacans on the following:


Minister of Health & Well Being

  - ensure the provision of quality health services

  - promote healthy lifestyles and environmental practices.

  -  make up the public health system and are responsible for health care delivery across the island of Xaymaca.

Responsibilities of Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Affairs
  - Product Registration

 - Import Permit Processing

  - Registration and Monitoring of Institutions and Facilities

Responsibilities of Product Registration 

The following categories of products are assessed:

 - New Drug Moieties

 - Generic Drugs, Drug Line Extensions, Herbal products, Vitamins and Minerals,  Drugs for treatment of life threatening illnesses e.g. Cancer, HIV
- registration and monitoring of institutions and facilities including: Nursing Homes Registration and  Mental health facilities

-  pull internal and external experts to provide a collaborative network

  - supporting the division in the development of systems and programmes, which will advance the quality of healthcare and provide inputs for health policy formulation.

  - lead the process for quality improvement and monitoring of the health sector

  - the implementation of the regulatory administration of the division

  - management of the following branches

  - standard health research and development

  - investigation and enforcement

  - assess and evaluate narcotics, psychotropics, herbal products and other drugs, cosmetics, foods and medical devices for safe use by the public

  - assessing and evaluation on all chemicals for safe application and use by the public

  - development of healthcare standards and guideline


Minister of Ancestral Heritage, Roots & Culture

 Management/ monitoring will include, but not be limited to the following focus area: Primary Focus areas to include:
 - Arts and Culture

 - Cultural and Creative Industries

 - Entertainment

 - Heritage

 - National Commemorative Maroon Memorial Peace Treaty Events (Labour, Emancipation, Independence, National Heroes Days)

 - Reparations

 - Theater production society

 - Performing Artist Society

 - protect and preserve Xaymaca culture, heritage and cultural artifacts for future generations through the management of museums and galleries.

 - maintaining & displaying artifacts & historical treasures

 - documenting and disseminating information of historical information

 - developing the creative potential of children

 - compiling publishing and distributing printed information of literacy, scientific and historical interest

 - Research & Development,

 - Development Education projects of the Sovereign Maroon Nations culture, arts.

Minister of Labour and Social Security

 - contribute to national development through the provision of efficient and effective labour and social security services within the context of a globalised economy.

 - promote a stable industrial climate through tripartite dialogue;
 - Ensure the highest standards of occupational Health & safety at the workplace

 - facilitate increased access to employment

 - effectively manage social protection programmes including those for groups with special needs inclusive of natives living below the poverty line, the elderly and natives with disabilities.

 - provide effective social protection

 - promote social inclusion

 - promote a stable industrial relations climate

 - promote productivity growth

 - ensure Health & Safety of workers

 - maintain an effective and efficient labour market


Minister of Science, Energy & Technology

 - develop science, energy and technology policies that fuel growth.

 - facilitate policy development and a progressive legislative framework for investments, job creation and meaningful improvements.

 - encourage private sector innovation in the science, technology and energy

 - lead legal and regulatory reform of the electricity and gas sectors

 - improve national energy efficiency and conservation

 - increase the percentage of electricity generation from renewable sources to reduce dependence on imported fuels and -increasing Xaymacas' energy security

 - streamline Government I.C.T operations (GovNet)

 - make access to Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government services more convenient and efficient using I.C.Ts (e-Gov)

 - draft legislation to facilitate competitiveness in I.C.T

 - promote the use of free and open source software in Government

 - increase the access to and usage of I.C.T through the "Tablets/Computers" in Schools" program

Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce

  -  lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs,

  - achieving social inclusion and consumer protection

  - working with stakeholders to create an enabling environment which grows and sustains industries; promotes investment and trade

 - ensures consumer protection while fostering gender equality and social inclusion in all our policies, programmes and projects.

 - business policy development, monitoring and evaluation
- giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.

  - develop policies, plans and programmes that contributes towards Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Growth and Job Creation.

 - promote investments that increase export and grow foreign exchange earnings.

 - regulate towards a modern and efficient business and trade economy with a framework of accountability and good governance.

 - To facilitate Xaymacan industries that move productivity forward and in ways that increase employment opportunities.


Minister of Transport & Mining

 - ensure the provision of a safe and efficient transport system and the over sight and regulation of the mining sector.

 - implementation of integrated solutions that will reduce vulnerability to geological hazards and disasters.

 Responsibilities - Transport
 - regulate responsibilities for the safety of all modes of transport whether public or privately operated.
 - Airports

 - Air Transport

 - Land Transport

 - Sea Transport

 - Explosives and other Dangerous Substances

  - Shipping

 - The Xaymaca Railway Corporation Act

 - Public Passenger Transport (Corporate Area) Act

 - Public Passenger Transport (Rural Area) Act

 - Road Safety

 - Shipping Act

 - Airports Authority Act

Responsibilities - Mining
Additionally, the Ministry is responsible for issuing licenses and leases for mining operations pertaining to the exploitation of the countrys' mineral resources.

 - Bauxite and Alumina

 - Bauxite Community Development Projects

 - Mining

 - Quarries

 - Non-Bauxite Minerals

The core Ministry consists of four divisions, namely
(1) The Policy, Planning and Research,

(2) Finance and Accounts,

(3) Corporate Services, and

(4) Mines and Geology Directorates.




Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries

 - create an enabling environment which grows and sustains industries in the
agricultural sector while fostering gender equality and social inclusion in all our policies, programs and projects

 - To develop sustainable food systems by driving local production of primary
agricultural produce, livestock and fisheries to widen the supply chain, integrate
production up the value chain and foster youth in agriculture and agro-

- To develop sustainable food systems by driving local production of primary
agricultural produce, livestock and fisheries to widen the supply chain, integrate
production up the value chain and foster youth in agriculture and agro-

 - To promote a lucrative Agribusiness sector that drives productivity and job creation
for all regardless of sex, age, socio-economic status or ability.
 - To regulate towards a modern and efficient agricultural sector

Role of Aquaculture
Although aquaculture has grown to include shrimp farming and ornamental aquatic flora and fauna species, tilapia is the main food fish produced in Xaymaca both for local consumption as well as for export. The Aquaculture Branch of the Fisheries Division, under the auspices of the Ministry of
Industry, Commerce, Agriculture & Fisheries, has been mandated to provide the support mechanisms needed to foster the sustainable development of the Aquaculture sector.
 - Training in the use of the Fish Aggregation Device

 - Long-line culture of Irish moss


Minister of Economic Growth & Job Creation

 -  drafting the blueprint to drive economic growth and sustainable development in Xaymaca.

The Ministry has responsibility for six (6) critical areas. They are:
 - Land

 - Housing

 - Environment

 - Water and Wastewater

 - Works

 - Climate Change

 - Economic Growth

 - Job Creation

 - Economic Planning and Monitoring

 - Investment Promotion

Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice is the lead administrator of Justice in Jamaica and therefore administers legislation, delivers justice services and provides policy support and analysis on justice issues.

 - To strengthen public trust and confidence in the justice system;

 - Improved access to justice;

 - Strengthened linkages between justice sector institutions;

 - Establish a sound court infrastructure

 - Implement a social component to the delivery of justice.

 - Ensure that Xaymaca is a just and law-abiding society with an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice for all.

 - Promote respect for rights and freedoms, the Rule of Law and the Constitution

- Promote awareness of individual responsibilities and Nation obligations.

Further Responsibilities include:
 - Protect the constitutional rights of Sovereign Maroon natives.

 -Maintain the independence of the judiciary.

 -  Reinforce confidence in Legal Institutions.

 - Carry out law reform to effect greater social justice.

 - Provide means of redress when Sovereign Maroon Natives are abused by organs of the state.

 - Carry out legal directives from the courts for the protection of society.


Minister of Tourism

  - management and promotion of Xaymacas' tourism product.

  - directing the activities of the tourism industry through the development and implementation of policies, and strategic guidance on all matters relating to the agencies that fall under its purview

  - ensure the coordinated and harmonious development of the related sectors, to the benefit of the country.

  - improvising on the natural, human and cultural resources of our island to produce and deliver services that enrich the lifestyles and quality of life of Xaymacas' and visitors alike.

  - to work with our partners in the establishment and implementation of policies, programmes and systems

  - the promotion of activities and the creation of products and services that contribute to sustainable growth and development of Xaymaca through tourism

  - to realize the potential of Xaymacas' tourism industry, with it becoming a truly sustainable sector; which acts as a catalyst for our nations' economic and social development.

- to continue on the development of unique tourism experiences that will transform Xaymacas' landscape, the talents of its nation and vibrant culture into opportunities for a better Xaymaca.

 - development and regulation of the tourism sector of Xaymacas' economy.

  - input of several Boards of Directors, and the operation of various agencies and properties.These include:

 - The Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF)

 - The Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo)

 - Xaymaca Tourist Board (XTB)

 - Xaymaca Vacations (XAMVAC)

 - Devon House

 - Milk River Hotel and Spa

 - Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa


Minister of Youth & Education

 - management and administration of public education in Xaymaca.

  -   provide the framework for the effective functioning of the public sector educational institutes and teachers.

 - management of Xaymacas' public universities and community, multidisciplinary and teachers' colleges.

 - management of: Childrens' Affair Policy Division and  Youth & Adolescence Policy Division

 - ensuring a system which secures quality education and training of all maroon natives in order to optimise individual and the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Nations development.

 - planning, developing and implementing educational policies and programmes

 - monitoring and evaluating the performance of locally and internationally funded projects and programmes

- maintaining an efficient system of collecting, collating, analyzing and presenting current and accurate data on quantifiable educational indicators to meet local demand and international standards

 - developing and supporting programmes, services and activities geared towards personal and national development

 - providing guidance in financial management for all educational institutions and affiliated agencies.

 - the Childrens' Affairs Policy Division and providing technical support in the development of policies, legislative framework and programmes geared towards the care, protection and general welfare of Xaymaca sovereign Maroon children (0-18 years old).
 - the development, implementation and the management of policies and programmes, that will seek to foster care, provided non-formal education and training for Sovereign Maroon youth aged 15-29 years.

Further Responsibilities include:
 - Protect the constitutional rights of Sovereign Maroon natives.

 -Maintain the independence of the judiciary.

 -  Reinforce confidence in Legal Institutions.

 - Carry out law reform to effect greater social justice.

 - Provide means of redress when Sovereign Maroon Natives are abused by organs of the state.

 - Carry out legal directives from the courts for the protection of society.



Careers in Government




:Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Native Maroon Chief Ministry of Economic Growth & Job Creation
+1(876)669-3330 / +1(876)337-5048 / +1(876)773-4594


Xaymaca, Office
96 :Constant Spring Road: Central:
Kingston: 10
Greater Antilles, The Americas, Alantis.

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