The :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nations & Territories, The Emperor Horus L.A. Lewis El Bey Chief High Priest, has appointed Ms. Maisha S. Wilson as the Chief Secretary of State effective October 2024..
Ms. Wilson is a practicing Lawyer by profession and is an Ambassador for the :Nyan-ko-pong: Government. She brings to the position perspectives and vision on fostering international, multilateral economic and social transformation and cooperation, with a commitment to engage with all parties to further implement growth and development of the government relations locally & internationally.
Her experience entails Human Rights advocacy, volunteerism and philanthropic assistance to the less fortunate. Her passion is to help marginalized youths from poor socio-economic environment to increase in consciousness and elevation to develop life-long sustenance for themselves and family. While improving the standard of living conditions for the next generation of indigenous maroons.
By spearheading projects under the auspices of the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government foundations will renovate and add machinery where necessary in the hospitals, schools, training centres, building family orientated indigenous communities for all natives. Ms. Wilson’s project and proposal also entails establishing a new Supreme Court and to renovate 25 Parish Courts and Courts outstations across Jamaica.
Her role also includes advising the Emperor Horus L.A. Lewis El Bey, and she is
primarily responsible for foreign policy and international relations and
diplomacy with other sovereign nations and member-states aligned to the United
Nation. She is a Diplomatic Representative internationally and locally and will
be participating in many forums, press conferences and other social medium
highlighting the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government’s roles and
responsibilities while regurgitating the benefits afforded as a sovereign
natives to indigenous Maroons.
Ms. Wilson is also tasked as a human rights advocate for the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government and will function as the Chief Justice Minister and Human Rights Counsel to indigenous maroons. Additionally, Ms. Wilson will visit the sitting of the Jamaican Parliament so as to ensure that the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government presence is felt and recognized by the Two Political Parties and other stakeholders.
She will also be forging alliances with other Human Rights groups locally and internationally and is tasked in engaging international and domestic stakeholders for grants and other funding mechanisms for the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government and to Jamaica at large..
Her diplomatic role as a negotiator will serve as a diplomat missionary worldwide, negotiating treaties, agreements, and alliances which is a vital for the administration and general functionary of the domestic governance and international diplomacy.
Ms. Wilson comes with Twenty (20) Years of legal experience and managerial skill set.She leads the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Government human rights work and is its chief spokesperson. She is responsible for providing overall leadership of the International Secretariat, including setting the strategic direction for the :Nyan-ko-pong: Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nations & Territories and managing internationals relations with international entities.
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